CO2e emissions

Historically, we have continuously focused on energy optimization from a general environmental impact and cost reduction perspective. We recognize the climate change agenda and the need for the industry to work towards carbon neutrality. That is why we in 2020 embarked on the process of mapping our direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for scope 1 and 2 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. CO2-equivalents are reported at two levels: Emissions from our own operations (scope 1) and emissions from purchased energy (scope 2).

In 2020, our total GHG emissions (location-based method for electricity) amounted to 2,464 tons of CO2 equivalents. The reduction trend year by year is driven by continuous reduction in the electricity emission factor and energy saving projects in our manufacturing facility. The yearly production volume affects the energy efficiency per ton as the process is more energy efficient at a high equipment utilization rate.

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Surplus heat from Tasso contribute to reducing CO2e emissions

At Tasso, we aim to minimize our energy and emissions impact, while embracing the responsibility and opportunity to impact the communities beyond our own operations. That is why we since 2014, have provided district heating to the local communities by recovering the heat generated from our melting, casting, and heat treatment processes. Instead of letting the heat to waste, the energy is directed into the local district heating system, operated by district heating company Fjernvarme Fyn.

Today, Tasso supplies heat corresponding to the needs of around 300+ average single-family households and helps lower the city’s CO2e emissions by approx. 400+ tons annually.  
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What’s next: Our approach and programmes

•   We recognize that our environmental impact extends beyond the boundaries of our direct operational control, and we are in the process of mapping our scope 3 emissions (upstream)

•   To reduce scope 1 emissions, we are working to convert our oil burner system used to preheat casting lines to a better controlled and more energy efficient natural gas fired burner system. This project will not only reduce our CO2-emissions, but it will also improve the working conditions in our foundry facilities

•   Minimizing our emissions by improving operational efficiencies and approaches to reduce our resource consumption and generated waste

•   Sharing our knowledge of carbon management and sustainable business practices in general across our networks to accelerate best practice


Scope 1
Scope 1 covers direct carbon emissions from our own operations. Scope 1 emissions are linked to the energy used, such as burning of fossil fuels, natural gas and emissions from company vehicles.  

Scope 2
Scope 2 relates to indirect carbon emissions generated by purchased electricity and district heating. The consumption of electricity and district heating is converted to CO2e emissions by apply the location-based emissions factors from Energinet*  and Fjernvarme Fyn**.

Scope 3
Scope 3 emissions are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by Tasso. These indirect emissions comprise all other emissions produced along the value chain, including both upstream and downstream.

CO2e accounts for carbon dioxide and five other related gases – namely methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). For above calculations, only CO2, CH4, and N2O are considered due to missing data. CO2e for district heating and surplus heat is considered for 2019 and 2020. For the years 2020-2018, only carbon dioxide emissions are considered. For cars, only carbon dioxide data was available.
